So why shouldn't I do an unauthorised leak?
I have been a bad tester lately. I haven't been logging in for all the wrong reasons. Putting my day job before the project and well thats all hopefully out of the way.
The game is looking good. There are leagues and games and I'm the worst team in the game world, and my bank balance is a car crash. But when we go live i'm sure it'll be alright. Anyway. I'm not sure what I can and can't show, because I know the ME and leagues haven't been released yet. But heres a sneak peak at what I think is safe to show.
Here is a little glimpse of something never before seen in UFL:
Sorry is that not enough... well check this out:
Don't let my ugly mug put you off how pretty the game is.
Apparently i'm clueless when it comes to status points. Gutted!!
OK OK 1 more... last one though
Ivorian Army!!
Thats all your getting. Until next time. I don't want anyone getting annoyed at me. I'll figure out what I can and can't show and get some more up soon.
Until then
See you on the other side.
Looking impressive so far, be nice to see some more pictures though :)