
Friday, 29 March 2013

The Found Elephant

From no where I have decided I miss blogging. If you still check this blog you are probably mental. It is 18months since my last post. But the near 20,000 views shows at one point we were onto a good thing. Mainly rambling on my soapbox, but you guys listened so it reflects worse on you.

So here I am again a more grown up version of Thom.

So the people who used to read this blog will probably be most keen to here that I'm still involved in UFLive. Fairly heavily too. I designed an economy a while back, and while the game seems to have gone quiet behind the scenes we are all still very dedicated to the cause. I'm on the forum there every few days come say hi HERE.

If you are a fml'er of years gone by, we are now testing a game. I am still all Ivorian, in fact I own every Ivorian in the database. UFL's first single nationality team. #official

So other than that I have done very little gaming an obsession with FIFA Ultimate team quickly passed when I bought 20 quids worth of points and it ate my money and they took 2 months to give them back and I only got half. Basically expensive bollocks.

I did play some online matches with a few of the old FML crowd, from the FM Soapbox pod cast. But life kind of got in the way. That and the fact I fell out with FIFA. I do play some Call of Duty, but I'm rubbish. My temple run score is now around 12million.

In life I have a been working my ass off, i'm great at my job, and enjoying the chance to try something new. I was in service management for 6 years, then working in accounts for a couple of years and have now completely turned coat and worked in IT for 12 months. Varied doesn't cover it.

I'm still a long sufferig Villa season ticket holder. It's painful, but we do play better football now. Watch out for Weimann and Benteke. Both will have huge careers, as will Ashley Westwood who is such a smart player.. I may blog about the villa more actually.

2013 however is the year of music. I have tickets to see 2manyDJ's, The Stone Roses, Smashing Pumpkins, Sigur Ros, The XX, T in the Park and Bestival. I travelled last summer accross America.

New York - Niagra - Miami - New Orleans - LA - Las Vegas

So this year is calmer on the travelling but mental on the music. I may talk about America a lot too.

I'm not sure where this blog will go, but i've deleted historic posts. Partly due to age and partly due to the fact its all about a game that closed several years ago.

My target for 2013 is to buy a flat. Or half a flat. The part rent/part buy thing is standing out to me. Conservatives actually doing me a favour!

So there we go. I'm back, and after proof reading I sound like an old fart.

Till next time...

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