
Friday, 26 April 2013

Forum hater reply

We got a forum post over at UFlive forums today which I started replying to.
Proud of my reply I decided to publish it here as I want as many people as possible to hear its message.

Basically theres a discussion about the lack of news on the project. Something the official blog and this blog are trying to address.

Anyway it is right that some lesser believers are starting to have doubts and like the vocal majority in the FML days this can at times turn to angry posts, like the one below. His forum name is not a real name (maybe initials) so it can be seen as anonymous:

'For all I know you may already have a beard down to your chest after waiting 2 years for nothing.

I do admire your blind faith but it's all in hope of butt licking for a place as a tester when/if they finally get to that in 2015/18 but it will be butt licking well wasted as in reality nothing will ever come of Utter Failure Live.

All this was was a group of fat nerds with ideas way way way above their stations and capabilities as has been proven. 

Leave football management games to the big boys (Si)

Over and out'

My reply is somewhat sarcastic but here you go enjoy:

There's a picture of me some where. I'm a skinny long haired hippie. Bit of a geek, but I am an economist\analyst so its an important skill in my job. Maybe I lack a bit of match fitness, but I did announce retirement from my playing career when I tore my bum muscle paying football when I was 23.


We never contested SI's ability to make a game, we all play FM (most of us at least), only their decision to not make an MMO. The first CM was made by those guys in a kitchen somewhere, and our team are more qualified than they were at that point. (Look where SI are now). 

The game we have in development in its current state with a little interface polish would be a competitor for any football management MMO on the market. But that isn't much of a statement as there isn't much competition outside of Asia and our ambitions are much higher than matching a. Sorry you've ran out of patience but no one has failed at anything. 

We hope you guys stick with us and come on this ride with us, but also remain certain that through nostalgia, curiosity or hidden excitement the doubters of this project will give our game a go when it comes true. We also back ourselves to give you a game at this point that captures your imaginations and was worth the wait.

Friday, 12 April 2013

UFL Leak

** first off I'm sorry about the pictures on this post. Blogger is having one of its episodes. Will have to move over to Wordpress**

So why shouldn't I do an unauthorised leak?

I have been a bad tester lately. I haven't been logging in for all the wrong reasons. Putting my day job before the project and well thats all hopefully out of the way.
The game is looking good. There are leagues and games and I'm the worst team in the game world, and my bank balance is a car crash. But when we go live i'm sure it'll be alright. Anyway. I'm not sure what I can and can't show, because I know the ME and leagues haven't been released yet. But heres a sneak peak at what I think is safe to show.

Here is a little glimpse of something never before seen in UFL:

Sorry is that not enough... well check this out:
Don't let my ugly mug put you off how pretty the game is.

Apparently i'm clueless when it comes to status points. Gutted!!

OK OK 1 more... last one though

Ivorian Army!!

Thats all your getting. Until next time. I don't want anyone getting annoyed at me. I'll figure out what I can and can't show and get some more up soon.

Until then
See you on the other side.